I am pretty sure that some business owners may suppose traditional marketing is a safe way place to go ahead, and digital marketing contains lots of risks. This is because they do not have a deep understanding of online marketing funnels, or they have used a bad agency to harm the brand image of the company.
So, if you are on this team in the firm, do not be passive to see how successful from other enterprises are along with their digital marketing strategies. As an employee, you should try to persuade your boss to change their mind. But how could you convince them?
Prepare your homework before showing your proof to your boss and other management board.
Identify the challenging stuff.
Step back in a few minutes. You should recognize how your boss could not know the appearance of digital marketing. Check other marketing reports with some essential figures to find out the reason your boss still believes the traditional marketing tools.
Most of the customers in your company come from the word-of-mouth method? You also need to check some feedbacks from other clients to know why they know the company.
It would be great if you have the chance to talk to the patrons and get some clues about how they know well your competitors as well. Do these firms use an online marketing plan?
Well, it could be your boss’s personality. In other words, if he or she is a diehard, you should take the time to understand him or her. When knowing their nature, you will know how to convince them.
Collect some clues.
After knowing how difficult the challenge is, you need to gather some clues to persuade your management board.
To do this, you enable us to obtain information from other sales representatives or customer service departments, CRM, and so on. These will help you learn more about the current wave, and they become one of the most important sources to show your big boss.
Additionally, you will realize that how much sales revenue your company loses and clients to other rivals.
Understand the market:
You are a marketer, and you should understand the market clearer than other employees in the company. If you understand the market like walking on the cloud, then you could be lost in this game! How could your boss accept a new strategy when you are not sure what things you have?!
Furthermore, you even know the market like owning a small thing on hands; you should display your boss that how well you understand and your clients as well. Action speaks louder than words, so pay more attention to your stuff and show them!
For instance, you need to meet patrons on a regular basis. Understand them by some small chats like friends only! Do not think that you are a fisherman and you want to hook a big fish! This is because your customers can recognize it as a piece of cake. Remember that they are not nuts!
It is time to show!
Do your math homework.
Are you aware that your boss and managers like to control the numbers? It means that you should add some figures and think in the first sign that you do not stand in the sky! Marketers are one of the most common persons with rich ideas, and they can create more than the sales team.
For example, you are the owner of a junior high school. Can you estimate the value of a new student? It also relies on the state you are in; the number ranges from 6,000 to 10,000 each year. Now, a marketing agency quotes you $5000 package every month to support everything from web page management to running the advertisement. It sounds great, but you could not bring this package to your management board because they will think that you are ridiculous!
Well, you should turn your calculator on and do your math now. How many new enrollments will apply to your school from advertising? The answer could be one only. If you have one more student application than you would have gotten, you could be successful.
Show some ROIs.
Please note that you are suggesting your big boss invest in digital marketing. They need to see evidence which will generate ROI.
You should share some real studies like Selective Micro Technologies and Aid Home Health in this situation. It is necessary to concentrate on sharing statistics, which are starter points such as huge profit, the bottom line, and so on.
Give your explanation of how digital marketing works.
Luckily, you can attract your management board, but you will need to do to find the end tunnel. You should spell out that digital marketing is a great way to measure the revenue and catch more audiences than traditional approaches. At that time, they also have the chance to learn new thing about digital marketing and how does it work.
In general, most managers mind the final consequences, but some people also raise some questions like these:
Who will be responsible for this strategy?
Are they well-informed? Do they have enough time to follow the plan at the endpoint? Do we need to find outside agencies? How to run advertising on social funnels? When should we start digital marketing? Will it have a risk for enterprise and brand?
You should find out as many questions as you can before standing in front of your boss and management broad to present. This will make you are more confident as well!

Closing thoughts:
Your boss is willing to undertake a new strategy like digital marketing if he or she genuinely understands the point. It means that you should help them see the bright picture, namely sales revenues or profits, when the company runs a digital marketing plan. It seems to be a bit difficult to help someone know a new land by talking only. Take them to that place and let them get their experiences!